Thursday, April 02, 2009


I remember hearing his talk Last October during the General Relief Society meeting and just being blown away. I know this video is going around a lot right now, but I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and share this with my family members (since pretty much all MGs have seen this now). Enjoy...


1 comment:

Maggie said...


Thanks for sharing this. I hadn't seen it yet.

That talk was an answer to prayer for me. I loved every word he shared. He delivered that message right during a time when I was overwhelmed with opportunities that I wanted to participate in, but I questioned if I had what it took.

His message helped me get through writing my senior thesis and so many other art history papers and art research projects.

I believe the phrase, "Don't let critics paralyze you" got me here to Washington working with the Smithsonian.

Heavenly Father knows what we need to hear. Can't wait for this weekend's Conference.