Monday, April 18, 2011


A couple of weeks ago, we were privileged enough to attend my nephew Cameron's baptism. I can't believe he is growing up so fast!

Cameron is a special boy, and he was lucky enough to get baptized on his actual birthday! So cool!

This is my oldest sibling Jordan (isn't she beautiful!?) and her brood of boys! Love these boys so much!

Here are some fun facts about Cameron:

He plays lots of sports including basketball and soccer. He LOVES playing with Uncle Jed. He can be really shy or really outgoing depending on who he's around. He loves the song Fireflies by Owl City (so cute that my little nephew listens to some of the same music I do), and Cameron has a strong interest in art and drawing. Cameron is also really into video games on Wii and online!

He is just too cute for words! So proud of you Cam!

Doesn't he just look so happy? He used to be such a ham in front of the camera-- not anymore!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Giiiiirrrrrl you need to have a baby!