Monday, May 03, 2010


I think I forgot to mention this (on the blog, anyway), but remember that extremely hard semester I just finished (17 credits!!)? Remember how I almost dropped a class? Remember how hard I worked? Well, it all payed off because I just got my best college semester GPA everrrr! I cannot tell you how happy I am about that!

Jed is now working full time at his campus job, and 20+ at his weekend job. I miss him!

Now, I am taking summer classes, which were unexpectedly completely covered by a grant! I am taking Floral Design, New Testament, and Family HIstory (genealogy, we learn how to do it!). I am pretty excited! And so far, i like all of my classes! I'm also working about 30 hrs/wk at mail services. Can you believe I've been here almost 3 years. Sad.

We went up to Afton WY on Saturday for the blessing of Jed's sister's baby-- Taylor Renee (one of the cutest girl babies everrr)! It was a beautiful event, and we got to see most of Jed's extended family! Congrats Benches! (P.S. Erika made Taylor's baby blessing dress, and it was amazing. there are no words).

About 2 weeks ago, my step brother and his wife had a baby boy named Weston! Last week, my step sister Jennifer had a baby boy named Joel. Today, my sister is having a baby boy too! We are just so excited and in love with all of these babies!

In other news, I recently started sewing, and I LOVE IT! I made a nursing cover and a car seat canopy thing for Jordan! I was extremely amazed that I actually did it! I definitely hope to do more sewing in the near future!

Other than that, life it pretty good, and I am excited for summer!

(p.p.s. We now have a kayak that takes up our entire living room.... husbands...)


acwilliams said...

Heyyy. I love that you're learning how to sew. I decided I wanted to use my time this summer and learn. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

I like sewing, too! I just pulled out my sewing machine to do some patching up, but I think I'm going to make a new pair of PJ pants. lol
Post pics of the things you make

Andrea Olsen said...

As soon as we get my sewing machine up off the floor I definitely plan on making things too.
At least you don't have guns lying on your living room couch with your 1 year old walking around. HEHE. At least it wasn't loaded!